Poster order processing varies depending on the PosterElite product or service, as well as by state – especially at end of year as many states publish the new required notices. For questions about the state’s shipping status, please reference the table below. These statuses are updated daily, and are subject to change depending on changing laws in each state, availability of the detailed posting requirement, and peak order periods. Visit for information about the most recent released posting requirements per state, and our Poster Status FAQs for answers to our most common questions.
E-Update Service & Anniversary Posters
Clients with an E-update Service subscription receive a new All In One State and Federal Labor Law Poster following the anniversary of their subscription (not tied to calendar year). Anniversary posters are typically shipped to subscribers within 30 days of the anniversary date. At year end, due to the many changes by states and peak demand, this timeframe may extend to 45 days. In any event, the E-updates will be sent whenever there is a change, ensuring subscribers remain compliant.
For E-Update Service Initial poster orders:
- Orders placed on or before December 15 will be fulfilled as usual with the most currently available poster for that state.
- Orders placed after December 15: (a) when there is an anticipated change not yet released by the state, the order will be placed on hold until the state has made the updated posting available. Note that the order may take up to two weeks to ship after the official notice has been published. (b) for states with no anticipated changes, orders will be fulfilled according to normal shipping timelines (typically within 7 business days).
Please refer to the table below to determine if your state is shipping as normal or “on hold” due to an anticipated change.
Poster Replacement Service
Clients with the replacement solution receive a new All In One State and Federal Labor Law Poster when there is a mandatory change in their state. Typically, replacements are sent to subscribers within 30 to 60 days of a such a change. To avoid confusion when there are multiple changes in a short period of time (as is often the case at year end), we will wait until all changes are available before shipping the replacement poster.
For Poster Replacement Solution Initial poster orders:
- Orders placed on or before December 15 will be fulfilled as usual with the most currently available poster for that state.
- Orders placed after December 15: (a) when there is an anticipated change not yet released by the state, the order will be placed on hold until the state has made the updated posting available. Note that the order may take up to two weeks to ship after the official notice has been published. (b) for states with no anticipated changes, orders will be fulfilled according to normal shipping timelines (typically within 7 business days).
Please refer to the table below to determine if your state is shipping as normal or “on hold” due to an anticipated change.
Labor law posters are made to order so that we may place our partner brand on the labor law poster prior to sending to the client. Most of the year, posters ordered outside of a subscription service are typically shipped within about 5-7 business days, unless a change for that state is in process. During peak periods like January, it may take a few more days.
Orders placed on or before December 15 will receive the currently released poster for the state being ordered. If you place an order prior to December 15 for a state with a pending change and would like your order held until the updated poster is released, please email as soon as you place the order.
Starting after December 15, if there is an anticipated change effective January 1, by default we place the order “ON HOLD” until the updated posting is available and the updated All in One poster is ready. If your order status is “ON HOLD” and you would like your order released immediately (for the current poster version), please email us at and include your order number.
Please refer to the table below to determine if your state is shipping as normal or “on hold” due to an anticipated change.